Skills and Drills - 2nd Session Added, News, Mite, 2018-2019 (Ancaster Minor Hockey)

This League is part of the 2018-2019 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Organization | Mar 18, 2019 | AMHL | 3833 views
Skills and Drills - 2nd Session Added
AMHL is offering an hour of development time for 5 weeks to AMHL registered House League Players – Chips through Tyke age groups following the end of the season starting  Mar.19th. The cost of the program is only $100 for 5 hours of instruction ($20 per hourly session).  A second session has been added.

A 5-week program of power skating, skills development and small area games starting  Mar.19th. The cost of the program is only $100 for 5 hours of instruction ($20 per hourly session). 

Is there limited space in the program?
We will accept a maximum of 30 AMHL House League registered players, Chips through Tyke age groups.

This program will run on Tuesday evenings 5:30-6:30 pm at Morgan Firestone, Mar.19, 26th, April 2nd,  9th*(6:00- 7:00 pm) , 16th. and will be run by Leo Paone.

2nd Session Added
This program will run on Tuesday evenings at Morgan Firestone as follows, Mar.19th(4:30- 5:30) , 26th(4:30- 5:30), April 2nd(6:30- 7:30),  9th(4:30- 5:30), 16th(4:30- 6:30). and will be run by Leo Paone.

Click here to register.

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