Minor Atom A's Raise a Truckload of Donations, News (Ancaster Minor Hockey)

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Dec 13, 2017 | AMHL | 7586 views
Minor Atom A's Raise a Truckload of Donations
On Sunday December 10th, the Ancaster Minor Atom A Team gathered items for "Give Where You Live" with a Team coordinated holiday donations drive. The team accumulated a Truckload of items consisting of food, clothing, toys and gift cards for Ancaster Community Services (ACS), Holiday Assistance Program.

This would not have been a success without the help from our players, parents and coaches. Thank you for your commitment and support to give back to our community which helps to develop and influence our players in so many different ways on and off the ice! This was a great feeling and lesson for the players, which hopefully will be carried on year after year. 


Desjardins Insurance (Stephen Dunn)
Stephen J. Dunn (https://stephenjdunn.ca/)