Referees and Respect (Ancaster Minor Hockey)

PrintReferees and Respect

Horseplay, Team Warm-ups and Vandalism at the Arenas

The City of Hamilton has provided a memo requesting that all rep and house league teams refrain from horseplay and the use of common areas of the arenas for team warm-ups.

Further violations of the City policy may result in ice-time being taken away from teams.

Zero Tolerance, Referees and Respect

Ancaster Minor Hockey would like to remind parents that they should respect all referees and linesman in rep and house league games and refrain from yelling at them.

The City of Hamilton has a Zero Tolerance Policy where verbal abuse of an official can be subject to immediate ejection from the property or facility and a mandatory suspension from all City recreational properties and facilities for a period of time not less than two months. Two months is a minimum period only, and may be extended by the City's Director of Culture and Recreation (the Director). Those individuals who are identified and suspended in accordance with this Policy shall further be prohibited from holding any positions within the City's affiliated sport community for a period of two years.

Zero Tolerance Incident Report

If you witness an incident, please complete the Zero Tolerance Incident Report.

Articles about Referees and Spectators

Sticks & Stones

Teen Hockey Refs Quitting over Verbal Abuse

Hockey Canada Yelling at Refs