Welcome to the 2020-21 House League Season, News (Ancaster Minor Hockey)

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Sep 11, 2020 | AMHL | 2984 views
Welcome to the 2020-21 House League Season
Based on guidelines from The Ontario Hockey Federation (OHF) and the City of Hamilton we have structured a season to keep kids playing hockey the best we can. Please note that traditional hockey, as we have come to know it, will not exist this season.

We want to detail and be as clear as possible with everyone about our House League program this season.   Thank you for your patience but we needed to ensure we had all the relevant information from all of our partners before moving forward.

Season Format
The season will start October 17th and Run until March 7th with a break over the holidays.  There will be no playoffs, City championships or traditional games.  There will be no Select program this season.

Ice Times
With the inclusion of added time for necessary cleaning protocols between rentals and Spring Valley not being opened this season house league will be 1 hour a week only.  These times/days will also be different than last season as the reduced ice has been stretched out.  Older levels will have later times (U16 and U18) and some during weekdays (U18).

We also will have plans in place should restrictions be lifted or ice opens up to expand our program as possible and will advise of any potential changes in costs.

Team Formation

There will be no tryouts/evaluations.  Teams will be put together as best as possible based on last years assessments and will try to make as even as possible.  Each team in can only have 9 players and 1 goalie max.  There will be only 40 participants per division. Some divisions may be mixed to accommodate as many players as possible so that we can maximize the caps and others divisions will be split into two age groups.

There will not be a U21 (2000-2002) program this season (if certain restriction gets lifted, we will look to open this program later in the season). 

The U5(formally CHIPS) will run and carry the same cost as past seasons focussing on development provided by professional coaching staff.

Arena protocols

To ensure the safety of everyone there are very strict protocols in place:

•       No dressing room access

•       Players must wear a mask into and exiting the arena

•       Spectators must wear a mask at all times in the arena

•       No bench (players benches) access

•       All players must complete screening form prior to arrival

•       Max 25 participants on ice surface (players, coaches, etc.)

•       Max 25 spectators per ice pad (1 per player)

•       No use of dividers on ice

•       Players must remain 1 stick length away at all times (including in scrimmages)

On ice formats

•       U5 will consist of development as it has been in the past

•       U6-U16 will consist of development and/or coach run scrimmages

•       U18 will consist of coach run scrimmages


We can’t run this program without volunteers!  We are volunteers ourselves and need your help.  We need coaches and trainers more than ever this season. It cannot run unless we have these positions filled. We will provide support in getting you any training needed.  Click here to sign up.

During these unprecedented times we are working hard to ensure that this season will be filled with positive hockey memories for our players and families.  Should you have any questions please reach out to any of the directors on the Board.

Thank you from the entire AMHL Board. 
