Red 'Control' Category Update, News (Ancaster Minor Hockey)

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Nov 13, 2020 | AMHL | 9136 views
Red 'Control' Category Update
November 18, 2020 - The City of hamilton has updated their capacity limits for City RECREATION facilities in Red Control stage. As a result, effective immediately Ancaster Minor Hockey League has made the difficult decision to pause House League programming. 

Due to the uncertainty of the current situation, AMHL believes it is best to pause our programming for the health and safety of our players and families.

AMHL will reassess the circumstances regularly and provide an update in the coming weeks. 

This is an adjustment to the program so refunds will NOT be considered at this time.  AMHL will be adjusting the programming as needed during the time we are able to return to hockey; if it is determined we will not return to hockey, then refunds will be calculated and processed accordingly.


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