House League Coach and Trainer Application 2024-25 (Ancaster Minor Hockey)

House League Coach and Trainer Application 2024-25
We are now accepting applications for House League Coaches and Trainers for the upcoming 2024-25 season.

Becoming a kids hockey coach is a rewarding experience that goes far beyond the rink.

As a coach, you have the unique opportunity to inspire young kids both on and off the ice, fostering their love for the game while teaching valuable life skills such as teamwork, discipline, and resilience.

Whether you're a former player looking to share your passion or a newcomer eager to make a positive impact, coaching youth hockey allows you to contribute to your community in a meaningful way.

Join us in shaping the next generation of athletes and leaders through the amazing community that is Ancaster Minor Hockey!

Contact Information

Your Role

Use the comments section to provide details to help us get you into the right role. Details such as your availability, do you need any help, are you only available to help on the bench, etc.

Previous Coaching Experience (if any)