OMHA Promoting More Respect in Minor Hockey, News, Mite HL, 2012-2013 (Ancaster Minor Hockey)

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Organization | Jul 02, 2013 | AMHL | 8247 views
OMHA Promoting More Respect in Minor Hockey
The Ontario Minor Hockey Association [OMHA] is proud to announce plans to expand the Respect in Sport program to full integration for the 2014/15 season.  At least one parent or guardian of each player registered in minor hockey in the OMHA will be required to complete the Respect in Sport - Parent Program as a condition of participation in 2014/15. 

OMHA - Ontario Minor Hockey Association

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Richmond Hill, ON:  -  The Ontario Minor Hockey Association [OMHA] is proud to announce plans to expand the Respect in Sport program to full integration for the 2014/15 season. The OMHA will move to become a complete ‘Respect in Sport’ integrated association which will include all Team Officials, On-ice Volunteers, On-Ice Officials and at least one parent or guardian of each registered player.

The Respect in Sport program is an online certification program designed to protect youth as well as enhance the Ontario Minor Hockey Association’s mandate of providing a safe and fun environment for all participants. It is Canada’s leading online bullying, abuse, harassment, and negligence prevention program for parents, coaches, and community leaders.

Currently, all Team Officials – Coaches, Trainers and Team Managers - in the OMHA are required to complete the Respect in Sport - Activity Leader Program or Speak Out! certification which includes education in the areas of risk management, bullying, harassment and abuse prevention. The program will expand to include on-ice Volunteers and on-ice Officials in 2014/15.

At least one parent or guardian of each player registered in minor hockey in the OMHA will be required to complete the Respect in Sport - Parent Program as a condition of participation in 2014/15. The one-hour online course is a proactive, educational program that empowers parents with the tools to ensure the game is enjoyable and respectful for themselves, their children and all other stakeholders in the game.

“As the game of hockey continues to evolve it is the responsibility of us all to change with it – but more importantly, to be the agents for positive change.” said OMHA President, Rob Ring. “Ultimately, we seek to provide the very best programming, as well as a safe and enjoyable environment in which to enjoy all the positive opportunities our great game has to offer.”

“This program encourages positive behaviour, effective communication, and provides parents with valuable tools which can only enhance the enjoyment of our great game for all stakeholders,” commented OMHA Director, Development Programs, Ian Taylor. “Value-added programming such as this is one component of the OMHA’s ongoing commitment to our membership to provide a safe and enjoyable environment for all participants.”

The OMHA supports all Member Associations in encouraging all parents to take advantage of this online educational tool. Program completion will be automatically updated in the Hockey Canada Registry [HCR]. The program will also form part of a new OMHA initiative dedicated to resources for parents.

“It sets a standard of appropriate rules for everyone. And, it empowers good parents to be better,” said Wayne McNeil, cofounder of Respect in Sport.

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