AMHL Goodwill Campaign, News, U11, 2020-2021 (Ancaster Minor Hockey)

This League is part of the 2020-2021 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Organization | Nov 09, 2020 | AMHL | 6690 views
AMHL Goodwill Campaign
This season, our outreach to our community partners and sponsors, will be in the form of a unique sponsorship program for the 2020/2021 season through which the AMHL will raise funds to support Ancaster Community Services through AMHL Goodwill Campaign.

To our Community Partners and Sponsors:

The AMHL is getting ready to kick off what promises to be one of the most unique hockey seasons. We would like to take this opportunity to engage with you, our valued community partners and sponsors, to bring you up to speed on our plans for the 2020/2021 season.

After consultation with Hockey Canada, the Ontario Hockey Federation, the Ontario Minor Hockey Association and the City of Hamilton with respect to our response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the AMHL is looking to launch a modified program offering to its members as well as community partners and sponsors. For members, including parents, participants, families and our volunteers, below are some of the required modifications for this season:

  • Decreased team roster sizes;
  • Focus on player development with a hope to engage game play later in the season;
  • Increased use of personal protective equipment and sanitization protocols;
  • Increased social distancing and a related decrease in spectators; and
  • Decreased program offerings with all programs offered exclusively at Morgan Firestone Arena.

While the above measures may change as the response to the COVID-19 pandemic evolves, our commitment to the Ancaster community will not. That is why, this season, our outreach to our community partners and sponsors, will be in the form of a unique sponsorship program for the 2020/2021 season through which the AMHL will raise funds to support Ancaster Community Services which operates the Ancaster Food Bank (the “AMHL Goodwill Campaign”). As always, participation in this program is entirely voluntary but we are offering to you the opportunity to participate as outlined below:

  • Option A: Promote a specific service or product that AMHL families can order and a portion of which you would send to the AMHL. For example, a local restaurant may promote that $2.00 from every order of a certain pasta dish will be donated to the AMHL Goodwill Campaign;

  • Option B: a flat donation to the AMHL. For example, a local business may make a donation of $500.00 to the AMHL Goodwill Campaign;

  • Funds will be collected from partners in December and at the end of the season. The funds collected would be donated entirely to Ancaster Community Services – this program is a goodwill engagement with the Ancaster community and will not offset AMHL operating expenses; and

  • AMHL Goodwill Campaign participants will be promoted on the AMHL website (as in arena traffic will be limited and jersey sponsorship will not occur this season).

If interested in participating in the AMHL Goodwill Campaign please do not hesitate to reach out to Kevin Fernandes, Sponsorship Director at to determine the best engagement opportunity for your organization. Thank you for your ongoing commitment to the AMHL and the Ancaster community.

Kevin Fernandes
Sponsorship Director, Ancaster Minor Hockey League

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