Flyers Update 20140224, News, Flyers (Northern Painters), Atom HL, 2013-2014 (Ancaster Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2013-2014 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Feb 24, 2014 | Dave Kong | 676 views
Flyers Update 20140224
And then, there were 4 Teams left standing.  

Fabulous display of hockey, by our boy’s on the week-end. I couldn’t be prouder of them all. We are very capable of winning!!!!  

This may shock you, but we are 2 wins away, from representing Ancaster in the City Championships. Please continue to believe!

5 things that you need to know:


(1)     We play @ 6:00 this Tuesday at Spring Valley vs the Leafs. Please try to have your son dressed and ready to play by 5:45. You know your son best, but I never played well on a full stomach, I expect they will have a similar experience. I suggest a healthy snack between 4:30 & 5:00 to improve their game performance.


(2)     Win or lose, we have our final game Super Saturday, with a Pizza Party to follow (see website link for details): . Note team awards are handed out at this time.


(3)     $$$: I would like to get the Team budget “squared up” prior to the week-end. I need money from people, for the names on the back of the kid’s jersey’s ($7/child) + $42/child who participated in the X-mas Tournament. Please pay Tammy, either tomorrow or Saturday (Cash or Chque is fine).


(4)     Signatures: The League has asked that I obtain signatures from parents, for the “possible” release of our Team picture. This is for the “Dodge Caravan Kid’s” sponsorship. The program allows the AMHL to collect $3,000 for the partnership. Important to note, this is for Team pictures only (not individual).


(5)     Team Year End Party: looks like we are a “go” for Splitsville Bowling. I am waiting to see how we progress this week-end, before we look at dates. Remember the City Finals, are after March Break. Stay tuned for more details.


(6)     Format for the Play-Off’s (in case you are wondering). I have “cut & pasted” below, so that you know how it works.



Here are the semi-final times for Atom.

Feb 25 2014

6:00 PM

Leafs (Home)

Flyers (Away)

Spring Valley

Feb 25 2014

7:00 PM

Flames (Home)

Stars (Away)

Spring Valley

We only have 1 hour to get the game in so no time-outs, no OT with a 3 player shootout in case of a tie.

1st period: 10 minutes stop time

2nd period: 10 minutes stop time

3rd period: 10 minutes stop time

3 player shootout if tied after regulation (no overtime).

·         Shootout is a simultaneous 3 player shootout (players from each team shoot at the same time from opposing ends): sudden death shoot-out if tied after 3 shooters, no one can shoot twice until everyone has shot once.

·         Coaches have to hand in their shooter list before the game starts with the game sheet.

·         Shoot-out sheet is attached.

·         Home team provides game-sheet and timekeeper

No timeouts.

Fair Play Rules apply.


It will be fun Tuesday, looking forward to it.

