Many thanks to Progressive Waste Solutions for sponsoring our Minor Bantam AA Team.
Company Profile
Progressive Waste Solutions Ltd. is one of North America’s largest full-service, vertically integrated environmental solutions companies. We provide non-hazardous waste collection, recycling, and landfill disposal services to commercial, industrial, municipal and residential customers throughout the U.S. and Canada. We are committed to community improvement, environmental sustainability and friendly, personalized customer service.
You will find Progressive Waste Solutions listed on the New York Stock Exchange and the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol BIN.
Progressive Waste Solutions’ History
Progressive Waste Solutions was formed by the mergers of several long-established waste services companies during the first decade of the 21st century. One of its principal component organizations, BFI Canada Inc., was created in 2000 when Allied-owned BFI (U.S.) spun off its then 20-year-old Canadian operations. Newly independent BFI Canada Inc. subsequently acquired Texas-based IESI Corp. in 2005, adding operations in the southern and northeastern United States. In 2008, BFI Canada changed its corporate structure from an income fund to a dividend-paying corporation. In 2010, the company acquired Waste Services Inc. (WSI), with operations throughout Canada and the U.S. Southeast, to become the third largest non-hazardous solid waste services company in North America. The overall parent corporation changed its name to Progressive Waste Solutions Ltd. in May 2011.
Our Operations
In the United States, you will find Progress Waste Solutions operating in two geographic regions: the South Region, which includes Texas, Florida, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Mississippi and Illinois; and the Northeast Region, consisting of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia.
The company’s Canadian operations serve customers in the provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario and Québec.