Organization | Mar 20, 2019 | AMHL | 8773 views
Registration Update & Budget Surplus
Over the past 7-8 years, Ancaster Minor Hockey has been able to streamline our operations – resulting in far less waste, less unused ice in our arenas, and an accumulating surplus of funds in our reserves.
For a not-for-profit community organization, it is important that we maintain a “buffer” to ensure that we can continue to offer the excellent programming that our members of come to expect, however the level of that surplus needs to be reasonable.
For next season – 2019/2020 – we are very pleased to announce a reduction in the House League registration fees (paid by ALL members) across the board. For most of our players, this amount to a $75 reduction from last season to next season. For our older age groups (Midget and Juvenile), this years’ reduction is more modest – however from two seasons ago, registration fees have fallen $110 per player.
This is happening despite another increase in the cost of ice from the City of Hamilton and other costs incurred by the association. This is being announced as a one year decision at this time. These reductions are projected to deplete our reserve funds over the next season by a modest amount. Future registration fees will depend on the overall level of reserves and will likely revert back to a level closer to last season.
It is important to us that the families that have registered and taken part in our great association over the past number of years (and built this surplus) have the opportunity to benefit from it. We would also take this opportunity to appeal to our members and community families – this is a great time to bring NEW families and hockey players into our great organization.
Cost is often cited as a major hurdle for families looking to participate in Local sports. Our hope is that these new LOWER registration fees will encourage more families to try out the great game of Hockey, and become lifelong members of the AMHL.
** For Rep players, you MUST register in your own geography. Ancaster residents must register for tryouts through the AMHL registration site, while Glanbrook residents must register through the GMHA site.