Amalgamation Vote Tomorrow - Bruiser on Location, News, U18, 2022-2023 (Ancaster Minor Hockey)

This League is part of the 2022-2023 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Organization | Oct 18, 2022 | AMHL | 3045 views
Amalgamation Vote Tomorrow - Bruiser on Location
Come out tomorrow and support our Rep Amalgamation vote and meet Bruiser. Bruiser will be on-site at Morgan Firestone between 9:00 am - 10:30 am. Voting is open from 9:00 am - 5:00 pm.

  • Ancaster Members to vote at Morgan Firestone Arena
  • Glanbook Members to vote at Glanbrook Arena


Voting Rules:

  • Your child must be registered in either Glanbrook or Ancaster to vote
  • Each member (parent/guardian, official, director) will receive one vote, no member is entitled to no more than 1 vote
  • You must vote at the arena with the association you are registered with
  • NRP players will vote in Glanbrook
  • Each association requires a 2/3 majority of those that vote for the amalgamation to pass


Membership Verification:

  • We are asking all members at both associations to update their Spordle Account contact information ( this is the system used to register at the beginning of the season), as this information is used to confirm membership enrollment for Both Ancaster and Glanbrook.  Please see the attached step-by-step instruction document summarizing how to update your Spordle account.
  •  How-to-update-your-Spordle-Account-V1.0
  • Valid photo ID must match the surname and address of the player or registrant on the membership list &/or contact information.  For blended families, parents or guardians with different surnames, and or legal custodial parental guardians – your information must be uploaded into Spordle in order to provide proof of membership and for verification purposes.



  • Upon arrival at the voting station,  you will be asked to provide a valid Photo ID, matching your registration address, surname and email correspondent to your Sprodle account &/or contact information.  If this information does not match the information listed in Spordle, volunteers or board members will assist you in updating your Spordle account contact information and or confirming.
  • Each station will operate from 9-5 pm
  • Each station will have 2 ballot boxes and be attended by Volunteers and Scrutineers present throughout the day.  
  • 2 Community Scrutineers from Ancaster and 2 From Glanbrook will count the ballots for each association.  Count will be video recorded,  all of which will take place after the voting stations close at 5pm.
  • Ancaster and Glanbrook boards will communicate the results of the vote in a timely manner following the count via all 3 websites.
If you have questions about the Rep Amalgamation vote please email

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