Feb 25, 2014 | Graham Pascal | 573 views
The year has now winded down and it's time to celebrate.
Out last weekend of Islanders hockey is here and we get to go out with a bang.
This Saturday March 1st will be our last game at 10am vs the Sharks. Following this game will be the Bronze game at 11am and then the Championship game at 12:30. I will be hanging around all day to watch some good hockey if anyone is interested in staying. At 2pm-3:15pm will be the league awards in the Rotary gym. The kids will get pizza and drinks and awards from the league. ***please have the kids wear their Islanders jersey***
On Sunday March 2nd we will be having our Islanders team party. At 10:30 in the Rotary gym we will be having some open play time(bring your indoor shoes) and then moving at 11:30am to Rotary B room for our potluck lunch and team awards. Please bring the entire family too both events if you like. Thanks to everyone in advance for bringing all the food.
A huge thanks to everyone from all the coaching staff, we had a great year and I am proud of every single one of the boys and their improvement over the past months. I hope they had as much fun as we did and that we will see them on the ice next year.
Coach Graham, Oli and Ed