Jan 11, 2013 | Tony Mansfield | 713 views
SHARK BITES - January 7, 2013
Parents & players, welcome to 2013.
Unfortunately the first game of the New Year did not treat us well. More precisely the 1st period of the first game. Down 2 goals after 30 seconds, 5 goals after the first period, it was pretty hard to over-come that deficit. On the positive side, once the boy's got their legs going, they played well from the 2nd period onward. I was happy to see them not give up. Unfortunately it is a 3 period game, hopefully a lesson learned.
A few misc team notes:
-Lane Klarer (who is in the team picture) has decided not to play this year. He was the boy who broke his ankle prior to the start of the season. Hopefully we will see him around the rink next year. That means we are now left with 13 players (12 skaters), if everyone shows up.
-I have confirmed with the League, that the regular season will last through January.
-Family Day is on Monday, Feb 18th. Our boys have a PD Day on the Friday prior. I have confirmed with the League, they will be playing play-off games during that week-end. Thought I would bring that to the attention for anyone considering vacations.
Practice is at 4:00 on Saturday @ Morgan "A", with the game to follow on Sunday, 9:00 @ Spring Valley. We will get our opportunity to redeem ourselves from last week, as we play the Leaf's again.
Congratulations to Myles & Cole, who were the "MR. BIG's" of the week.
Goalie this week is William, the Captain & snack rotation is below.
We have now gone through the team once & I have re-sorted using the child's sweater number.
Look forward to having another fund week-end at the rink.