Jan 14, 2013 | Tony Mansfield | 616 views
SHARK BITES - January 14, 2013
Play-off's start this week end.
Yes, that is correct, they start this week-end. As I get the details I will pass this along. I just received this information myself.
It looks like the teams will be split into two groups, playing a round-robin format. The top two teams on each side, advancing to the semi-finals. Stay tuned for more details.
Great "bounce back" game.
That was "old time" end to end hockey on the week-end. Providing great action in each end. I continue to see great improvement in the skill set of the boy's & I believe positional play is improving as well. I will look forward taking them into the play-offs. They are a great group of boys. I expect it will be fun for all.
Despite our best efforts to "control" number 10 of the opposing team (believe me tried). He managed to "pot" all 6 of their goals. The problem for them, they forgot about # 8 on our team. He is not called "Dyna" for nothing. Gabe also had a 6 goal game (GREAT JOB). He along with Sam were outstanding. They dominated the play, each time, they were on the ice. Congratulations to them, they were the " Mr. Big's" of the game.
At this point we are scheduled to practice at noon, this Saturday (Spring Valley). The game is @ Morgan A (9:00). I am not sure if this will change, given the play-off format.
Goalie will be Owen.
Captain is Aidan, and his family will provide the snacks.
Looking forward to another fun week-end @ the rink.